nesafess_ OR unesa lang:id, Twitter, 10/17/2023 7:23:59 AM, 292802

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UNESAFESS Twitter NodeXL SNA Report for Tuesday, 17 October 2023
UNESAFESS Twitter NodeXL SNA Report for Tuesday, 17 October 2023
Himeyuri Research Project
Uploaded on:
October 17, 2023
Short Description:
nesafess_ OR unesa lang:id via NodeXL

Top hashtags:

The graph represents a network of 1.283 Twitter users whose recent tweets contained "nesafess_ OR unesa lang:id", or who were replied to, mentioned, retweeted or quoted in those tweets, taken from a data set limited to a maximum of 5.000 tweets, tweeted between 09/10/2023 00:00:00 and 17/10/2023 11:26:22. The network was obtained from Twitter on Tuesday, 17 October 2023 at 05:29 UTC.

The tweets in the network were tweeted over the 1778-day, 23-hour, 57-minute period from Monday, 03 December 2018 at 12:31 UTC to Tuesday, 17 October 2023 at 12:29 UTC.

There is an edge for each "replies-to" relationship in a tweet, an edge for each "mentions" relationship in a tweet, an edge for each "retweet" relationship in a tweet, an edge for each "quote" relationship in a tweet, an edge for each "mention in retweet" relationship in a tweet, an edge for each "mention in reply-to" relationship in a tweet, an edge for each "mention in quote" relationship in a tweet, an edge for each "mention in quote reply-to" relationship in a tweet, and a self-loop edge for each tweet that is not from above.

The graph is directed.

The graph's vertices were grouped by cluster using the Clauset-Newman-Moore cluster algorithm.

The graph was laid out using the Harel-Koren Fast Multiscale layout algorithm.

[22] RT @nesafess_: untuk warga Unesa! terimakasih sudah bertahan sampai sejauh ini, aku tau kalian capek, lelah, dan masalah selalu datang sili…
[19] RT @nesafess_: nesa! Halo ada yg anak sosiologi unesa angkatan 2022? Adek aku namanya Harist Arvansyahri Sosiologi 2022 gabisa dihubungi da…
[9] RT @nesafess_: Tahukah kalian? kalo base unesa open dm,
Dengan kriteria akun di bawah ini sehingga kalian tidak perlu menunggu difollback u…
[8] RT @nesafess_: Kapan yaa -unesa ngundang JKT48 😭😭🥺pliss lah 🥹🥹
[7] RT @nesafess_: !nesa gais aku kehilangan sepatu nb 500 warna abu abu ukuran 38 di masjid unesa ktt hari sabtu waktu ada acara lomba banjari…
[5] @nesafess_ Cukup
[4] RT @e100ss: Wisudawan Tertua Unesa Raih Gelar Doktor di Usia 77 Tahun dengan IPK 3,98
[4] RT @AkuElFahroni: @nesafess_ Nder, dulu aku pernah kerja disitu hehe
Pokoknya jgn percaya ya, kamu boleh buktiin klo itu bohong. Uang 150…
[3] RT @nesafess_: yuk akhiri weekend Minggu ini dgn bengong rame² di danau unesa!
[3] RT @e100ss: 07.14:
Kemacetan imbas volume kendaraan tinggi:
1. Raya Lidah Kulon arah Simpang Lontar Lidah Kulon;
2. Raya Lidah Wetan arah W…

[10] RT @nesafess_: nesa! Halo ada yg anak sosiologi unesa angkatan 2022? Adek aku namanya Harist Arvansyahri Sosiologi 2022 gabisa dihubungi da…
[10] RT @nesafess_: untuk warga Unesa! terimakasih sudah bertahan sampai sejauh ini, aku tau kalian capek, lelah, dan masalah selalu datang sili…
[7] RT @nesafess_: !nesa gais aku kehilangan sepatu nb 500 warna abu abu ukuran 38 di masjid unesa ktt hari sabtu waktu ada acara lomba banjari…
[6] RT @nesafess_: Tahukah kalian? kalo base unesa open dm,
Dengan kriteria akun di bawah ini sehingga kalian tidak perlu menunggu difollback u…
[5] RT @nesafess_: Kapan yaa -unesa ngundang JKT48 😭😭🥺pliss lah 🥹🥹
[4] @nesafess_ Cukup
[3] RT @nesafess_: yuk akhiri weekend Minggu ini dgn bengong rame² di danau unesa!
[2] kasi tau cara naik sby bus dri nesa! liwet ke ketintang dong
[2] RT @nesafess_: waw fakultas psikologi + fakultas hukum !unesa
[2] @nesafess_ waduh waduh

[1] Kisah Khoirotul Ula, Wisuda Terbaik UNESA, Patah Tulang Jelang Yudisium dan Pernah Merasa Malu
[1] Buka Reuni Alumni D-II PGSD Unesa, Sekda Sampang Ajak Kolaborasi Tingkatkan IPM
[1] emg boleh se unesa itu? 😟😟
[1] ada yang kenal anak fk unesa gaa aduh aku mau tanya tanya tapi clueless bgt
[1] Jadi Wisudawan S3 Tertua di Unesa Berusia 77 Tahun, Windi Raih IPK Tertinggi #TempoTekno
[1] Cara Unesa Cegah Kekerasan dan Bullying di Kampus #TempoTekno
[1] Kisah Khoirotul Alami Kecelakaan Jelang Yudisium hingga Jadi Lulusan Terbaik Unesa #TempoTekno
[1] Hallo Ukimers!!

Salam Ilmiah!

PKM adalah program yang mewadahi ide-ide mahasiswa yang dituangkan dalam karya Ilmiah. UKIM UNESA mengajak kalian untuk lebih memahami terkait penyusunan proposal yang baik dan benar, yuk segera daftarkan diri anda

[1] Hallo Ukimers!!

Salam ilmiah!!

Ukim telah berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan EXPO UKM yang diadakan pada tanggal 28-31 Agustus 2023 di gedung serbaguna ketintang dan lapangan gedung rektorat

[1] Omongan adalah doa, aku mau masuk ig unesa rumah para juara 🤪

[1] Aduh anjir ngakak bgt wisudawan UI toganya pernah ngikutin warna fakultas, coba lu bayanginn detik ini kalau model toganya masih begini dan lu anak Vokasi atau FIK
[1] vokasi unesa warna oranye,ben mirip the jak. ehehe
[1] @nesafess_ wis nder,gak usah diup maneh. wedi akun nesafess sing iki ilang maneh gara2 ngeritik acara himpunan. akun unesafess wingi yo ilang gara2 nyenggol acara himpunan sisan. intine kudu kompak ae angkatanmu,gak ngarap siji yo gak ngarap kabeh
[1] @fauzanpashaa @nesafess_ wis nder,rodok bahaya mbahas2 acara himpunan ngene. gak iling kejadian biyen a sing unesafess ilang gara2 ngeritik salah siji acara hmj sing mari e kebengen. mending podo2 ndungo ben enek dalan tengah e dan podo2 adem sirah e. aku emoh akun nesafess ilang sisan
[1] @nesafess_ Ga usah digarap maren,nek isok angkatanmu jaken boikot bareng2. Toh,arek saiki kendel2 dan gampang ngumpulno suara. Koar2 percuma
[1] @nesafess_ Gak usah digarap,boikot ae wis
[1] @nesafess_ Gk usah digarap,nder. Gak ngaruh ng akademik,ngaruh e paling yo awakmu diruwet karo kating2mu. Urusen tugas2 karo utsmu ae. Babah panitia e sing ngelu dewe. Nek isok,sak angkatan boikoten iku acara e. Tak jamin isok2 pokok enek sing wani tampil ambek kritis.
[1] @nesafess_ yes,mending sekarang diam2 dalam berproses daripada koar2 tentang tujuan kedepan saat masih kuliah. takutnya dicaci maki saat gagal. mending stay alone and silent. berhasil atau belum tecapai urusan sendiri
[1] @nesafess_ Mending gak usah digarap
Toh,lkmm pra-td sebenere penting gak penting. Misale gak ikut yo gak ngaruh nang akademik. Ngaruh paling yo semisal awakmu pengin melu organisasi,jelas diruwet kating2mu
[1] @evaacuteee @nesafess_ Nah,ben podo2 impas e sisan. Kating ngekek i tugas akeh,maba e ngeboikot nugas. Enak,podo2 impas

[3] RT @ureyestelluv: Ini fandom STAY di unesa yang mau poca date coba reply. Ntar bikin gdm, enaknya poca date gimana 😋
[3] @nesafess_ Semangat nder
[2] RT @UnesaTv: @nesafess_ ini versi ktt tuh wkwk
[2] RT @nesafess_: nesa! Halo ada yg anak sosiologi unesa angkatan 2022? Adek aku namanya Harist Arvansyahri Sosiologi 2022 gabisa dihubungi da…
[1] @rayyabanhh wkwk lucuuu, kreatif 😭
[1] @nesafess_ BSI ke Mandiri gratis kok
[1] @nesafess_ Latihan Keterampilan Manajemen Mahasiswa, ya kek pelatihan tentang kepemimpinan, manajemen waktu, konflik dsbnya
[1] oke, jadi enaknya kapan ya ngobrol bareng-bareng lagi...
[1] @nesafess_ buat apas1h 1n1?
[1] nih keseruan KCT 2023 kemarin. recap tipis-tipis pake template yaa, mimin bukan editor handa soalnya hehe

[1] @pacarnyarenbo @nesafess_ pend. pkn
[1] @yellowerey @nesafess_ loh harus group kah dance cover nya?
[1] @nesafess_ es doger di pertigaan
[1] @nesafess_ heh emang boleh se-lintas univ ini 😭😭
[1] @nesafess_ kalo pure buat makan cukup nderr,tp jajan nya itu yg bikin gk cukup
[1] @byunbhyunee_ @nesafess_ rill ini banyak bgt sumpah porsinya, rasanya juga enak
[1] @berlubang_ @nesafess_ Bang biasanya biaya benerin nya berapa?
[1] @gataudehmales12 @nesafess_ Ini harus nemu penyebabnya dulu sih kak
[1] @nesafess_ Sebel sm yg jawab:
"lenovo awet"
"asus awet"
Sender ngga nanya awet apa ngga, leptop apapun klo yg pake cegil ya gk awet.

Coba nder reply disini biar minbang kasih saran, km jurusan apa dan kebutuhannya apa aja
[1] @nesafess_ menetap di kampus, mengurus surat pindah domisili, membangun shelter, lalu meneruskan hidup dan beranak pinak


[4] RT @nesafess_: untuk warga Unesa! terimakasih sudah bertahan sampai sejauh ini, aku tau kalian capek, lelah, dan masalah selalu datang sili…
[3] @nesafess_ mjb, ada yg bisa dititipin mfs?
[2] RT @nesafess_: Tahukah kalian? kalo base unesa open dm,
Dengan kriteria akun di bawah ini sehingga kalian tidak perlu menunggu difollback u…
[1] @colloseuum @nesafess_ ilmu komputer kah?
[1] @nesafess_ Ilmu Komputer?
[1] @nesafess_ sudah tidak kaget~
[1] @nesafess_ awas jangan songong ntar kualat, soalnya ada yang dapet anak uner berjalan dari sma. hubungan udah 10 tahun tetep berakhir good bye
[1] @kienanoo @nesafess_ gak mao ah heheh
[1] @kienanoo @nesafess_ kasih paham kak vi
[1] @colloseuum @nesafess_ ooo ikom? masih umur 10 tahun

[2] -rek ceker pedes ndek danau unesa seng menurutmu paling enak seng endi? aku mesti bingung milih pas runu 😭
[2] RT @jihyoistriku: @nesafess_ stop bayar ukt nder, mulai bayar psikolog
[1] @sbyfess Ke unesa o aku tak titip kurirno hadiah untuk temenku💁‍♀️
[1] -rek rekom mie ayam sing uwenaakk daerah unesa lidah
[1] -rek ada yg pernah jajan kerang di waduk unesa? enak apa ga?
[1] -rek yuk isi riwayat sekolah kalian, me :
SD : SDN Kaliasin 1, Surabaya
SMP : SMPN 6 Surabaya
SMA : SMAN 2 Surabaya
Kuliah : ITS
Lanjutkan 🔥
[1] -rek sekitar jam segini dari bungurasih ke unesa liwet ada kendaraan umum ga? Kayak bus kota gitu? Dan kira² nyegat ndek mana ya

Barangkali ada yg tau
[1] @oneokrockc @nesafess_ skrg
[1] @nesafess_ sayaa sayaa!! reply atau qrt ajj jgn dm
[1] @nesafess_ yh biar km bisa mengaji

[1] @chocoballgrll @nesafess_ itu gedung fikk
[1] @nesafess_ Gedungnya yg depannya gelanggang pemuda itu ya?
[1] @nesafess_ Mauuu mauuu
[1] @nesafess_ Congratsss nderrr... Btw, Tep sekarang udah gabisa online ta?
[1] @nesafess_ Pengen study date tapi wes semester akhir aku
[1] @capebgdd @nesafess_ bukan nder, itu di umkm mahasiswa feb, di tenan" perbatasan g1-g2 feb
[1] @nesafess_ emg seenak itu, ketagihan bjir ak nya..
[1] @dumpactivities @nesafess_ Daerah per 4 an lampu merah ada
[1] @nesafess_ Feb wkwk
[1] @ayamkaepciw @nesafess_ Minimal libur seminggu kak ehe biar g gila nanti

[4] RT @AkuElFahroni: @nesafess_ Nder, dulu aku pernah kerja disitu hehe
Pokoknya jgn percaya ya, kamu boleh buktiin klo itu bohong. Uang 150…
[1] @ricky___shen Hari ini banget di graha unesa, yang punya anak lidah wetan
[1] @Ieiviosa @nesafess_ Dm aja
[1] @nesafess_ Kamu anak Gresik kah nder? 🙄
Atau anak lmg?
[1] @nesafess_ Pokoknya mereka ngehalalin sgl cara buat ngejual, kadang ngaku sbg utusan yayasan, kadang ngaku anak kuliah, kadang dari volunteer, dll. Itu semua fake ya!

Pokoknya klo ada orang ngomong "boleh minta waktunya sebentar?"

Jwb aja "Waktuku terbuang sia-sia nanti, jd ga dulu" wkwk
[1] @nesafess_ Dan fyi aja, perusahaan yg tertulis di buku itu udah dibekukan. Tapi mereka licik, mereka ngebuat anak perusahaan yang banyak biar sulit kedetect.
Dan semua voc yang ada di buku ga semua bener (sebagian ada yg bisa/ngakuin sebagian ada yg enggak) tergantung resto/perusahaan nya
[1] @nesafess_ Kamu bisa cek nama yayasan nya dibagian halaman akhir, browsing dr lokasi, web, sosmed, dll pake nama itu. Semuanya disitu fake, lokasi kantor mereka itu adalah ruko kosong, cuma numpang alamat aja, dan laporan keuangan terakhir rilis thn 2017.
[1] @nesafess_ Nder, dulu aku pernah kerja disitu hehe
Pokoknya jgn percaya ya, kamu boleh buktiin klo itu bohong. Uang 150 itu bukan buat bantu yayasan kanker, tp murni buat keuntungan perusahaan. Yayasan nya abal-abal (laporan dan foto nya manipulatif) dan udah lama ga update- lanjut dibawah
[1] @nesafess_ Adanya GUS48, isinya gus gus entar
[1] @nesafess_ Di daerah jambangan nder, arah rolag lurus terus kiri jalan, nggak jauh kok

[1] @unlockurgirl @nesafess_ mauu dmmm
[1] @nraaull @nesafess_ DM aja
[1] @nesafess_ Mau punya cowo fanboy nya ntc/BTS dongsssss
[1] @nesafess_ Wajib
[1] @nesafess_ Anak its mau ga sii sama Unesa🥹
[1] @nesafess_ Ini kasus nya kek yg di Unair pls
[1] @nesafess_ Daerah karah gue liat ada 2 tempay
[1] @nesafess_ Gue lebih milih intership jujurly. Lebih dilirik HR. Ngerasa nyesel bgt kenapa ga dari sem 2 awal nyibukin intership😔
[1] @nesafess_ Ini sama kek jaman gue dulu
[1] @nesafess_ MAU BGTTTT PLSSSS

Author Description

Overall Graph Metrics
Vertices : 1283
Unique Edges : 1213
Edges With Duplicates : 3370
Total Edges : 4583
Number of Edge Types : 9
Mentions : 33
Replies to : 2834
Retweet : 138
MentionsInReplyTo : 694
Tweet : 794
Quote : 53
MentionsInRetweet : 25
MentionsInQuote : 2
MentionsInQuoteReply : 10
Self-Loops : 930
Reciprocated Vertex Pair Ratio : 0,0878112712975098
Reciprocated Edge Ratio : 0,16144578313253
Connected Components : 128
Single-Vertex Connected Components : 71
Maximum Vertices in a Connected Component : 1064
Maximum Edges in a Connected Component : 4365
Maximum Geodesic Distance (Diameter) : 8
Average Geodesic Distance : 2,251852
Graph Density : 0,00100923756357893
Modularity : 0,233978
NodeXL Version :
Data Import : The graph represents a network of 1.283 Twitter users whose recent tweets contained "nesafess_ OR unesa lang:id", or who were replied to, mentioned, retweeted or quoted in those tweets, taken from a data set limited to a maximum of 5.000 tweets, tweeted between 09/10/2023 00:00:00 and 17/10/2023 11:26:22. The network was obtained from Twitter on Tuesday, 17 October 2023 at 05:29 UTC.

The tweets in the network were tweeted over the 1778-day, 23-hour, 57-minute period from Monday, 03 December 2018 at 12:31 UTC to Tuesday, 17 October 2023 at 12:29 UTC.

There is an edge for each "replies-to" relationship in a tweet, an edge for each "mentions" relationship in a tweet, an edge for each "retweet" relationship in a tweet, an edge for each "quote" relationship in a tweet, an edge for each "mention in retweet" relationship in a tweet, an edge for each "mention in reply-to" relationship in a tweet, an edge for each "mention in quote" relationship in a tweet, an edge for each "mention in quote reply-to" relationship in a tweet, and a self-loop edge for each tweet that is not from above.

Layout Algorithm : The graph was laid out using the Harel-Koren Fast Multiscale layout algorithm.
Graph Source : TwitterSearch3
Graph Term : nesafess_ OR unesa lang:id
Groups : The graph's vertices were grouped by cluster using the Clauset-Newman-Moore cluster algorithm.
Edge Color : Edge Weight
Edge Width : Edge Weight
Edge Alpha : Edge Weight
Vertex Radius : Betweenness Centrality

Top Influencers: Top 10 Vertices, Ranked by Betweenness Centrality
Top URLs
Top URLs in Tweet in Entire Graph:


Top URLs in Tweet in G1:

Top URLs in Tweet in G2:

Top URLs in Tweet in G3:

Top URLs in Tweet in G4:


Top URLs in Tweet in G5:


Top URLs in Tweet in G6:

Top URLs in Tweet in G8:

Top Domains
Top Hashtags
Top Hashtags in Tweet in Entire Graph:
[60] unesa
[33] beritaunesa
[33] universitasnegerisurabaya
[10] studioartmagic
[10] snbp
[10] snbt
[10] mandiri
[9] dkv
[9] despro
[9] interior

Top Hashtags in Tweet in G2:
[3] tempotekno
[1] pimnesa
[1] expoukm
[1] expoukim
[1] ukim_unesa
[1] sampang
[1] unesa
[1] alumni
[1] eliteproacademy
[1] epa

Top Words
Top Words in Tweet in Entire Graph:
[2805] nesafess_
[553] nesa
[496] unesa
[257] aja
[186] nya
[143] rt
[139] udah
[138] sender
[131] anak
[123] uts

Top Words in Tweet in G1:
[1049] nesafess_
[543] nesa
[158] unesa
[122] sender
[120] aja
[95] uts
[80] nya
[73] info
[72] udah
[71] sih

Top Words in Tweet in G2:
[78] unesa
[11] wisuda
[11] surabaya
[7] terbaik
[7] lulusan
[7] mahasiswa
[6] 3
[6] sampe
[5] ipk
[5] wisudawan

Top Words in Tweet in G3:
[268] nesafess_
[20] unesa
[19] aja
[19] nya
[18] wajib
[17] osjur
[15] e
[13] nderr
[12] tugas
[10] jzeoungkook

Top Words in Tweet in G4:
[162] nesafess_
[26] unesa
[14] rt
[13] mimin
[13] aja
[11] date
[10] ureyestelluv
[9] stay
[8] anak
[8] poca

Top Words in Tweet in G5:
[186] nesafess_
[11] gt
[10] yaa
[9] liat
[9] nya
[8] haechanajaa
[8] tp
[8] aja
[7] sih
[7] unesa

Top Words in Tweet in G6:
[128] nesafess_
[20] unesa
[14] aja
[9] rt
[9] anak
[8] yaa
[7] bgt
[7] liwet
[6] warga
[6] udah

Top Words in Tweet in G7:
[117] nesafess_
[16] unesa
[9] bayar
[9] yo
[8] udah
[7] enak
[7] 1
[6] nya
[6] wejekflaa
[6] rek

Top Words in Tweet in G8:
[163] nesafess_
[13] udah
[9] nya
[9] nggak
[8] kemkomingfo
[8] pake
[8] tp
[8] aja
[7] kah
[6] beli

Top Words in Tweet in G9:
[100] nesafess_
[10] rt
[10] aja
[9] nya
[8] dr
[8] klo
[7] hehe
[7] disitu
[7] driversllicense
[7] pokoknya

Top Words in Tweet in G10:
[129] nesafess_
[14] aja
[12] tep
[8] lift
[8] nya
[8] tp
[7] unesa
[7] km
[7] ktt
[6] vokasi

Top Word Pairs
Top Word Pairs in Tweet in Entire Graph:
[80] rt,nesafess_
[32] #unesa,#universitasnegerisurabaya
[29] nesa,info
[27] nesafess_,nesa
[24] danau,unesa
[24] unesa,terimakasih
[24] warga,unesa
[23] nesafess_,mauu
[23] terimakasih,bertahan
[23] capek,lelah

Top Word Pairs in Tweet in G1:
[48] rt,nesafess_
[29] nesa,info
[19] kakak,kakak
[17] nesafess_,nesa
[15] lilylalalaaaa,nesafess_
[14] nesa,sender
[14] nesa,anak
[14] daerah,ktt
[13] nesafess_,tergantung
[13] anak,sosiologi

Top Word Pairs in Tweet in G2:
[4] negeri,surabaya
[4] ipk,3
[4] terbaik,unesa
[4] universitas,negeri
[4] surabaya,unesa
[3] wisuda,unesa
[3] ilmiah,ukim
[3] graha,unesa
[3] acara,wisuda
[3] wisudawan,terbaik

Top Word Pairs in Tweet in G3:
[10] jzeoungkook,nesafess_
[9] tapegoreng__,nesafess_
[7] kuc_i_ng,nesafess_
[6] osjur,wajib
[6] akerecentlyy,nesafess_
[6] itsurgff,nesafess_
[5] nesafess_,aja
[4] ch0co1atte,nesafess_
[4] nesafess_,bener
[4] fauzanpashaa,nesafess_

Top Word Pairs in Tweet in G4:
[8] poca,date
[7] stay,unesa
[6] fandom,stay
[5] heyrinalexas,nesafess_
[5] rt,ureyestelluv
[4] coba,reply
[4] date,coba
[4] date,gimana
[4] kucing,unesa
[4] ureyestelluv,fandom

Top Word Pairs in Tweet in G5:
[5] gt,gt
[5] nesafess_,pc
[5] byunbhyunee_,nesafess_
[5] haechanajaa,nesafess_
[5] nesafess_,mjb
[4] itsmeeamel,nesafess_
[4] pc,yaa
[4] rt,nesafess_
[4] nesafess_,liat
[4] nesafess_,ak

Top Word Pairs in Tweet in G6:
[8] rt,nesafess_
[6] wa,aja
[4] set8,pagi
[4] yaakk,max
[4] lelah,sili
[4] bertahan,capek
[4] pagi,yaa
[4] fix,order
[4] capek,lelah
[4] max,fix

Top Word Pairs in Tweet in G7:
[6] jihyoistriku,nesafess_
[6] wejekflaa,nesafess_
[4] 1,1
[4] danau,unesa
[3] ukt,bayar
[3] bayar,ukt
[3] bayar,psikolog
[3] nesafess_,stop
[3] stop,bayar
[3] oneokrockc,nesafess_

Top Word Pairs in Tweet in G8:
[8] kemkomingfo,nesafess_
[4] nesafess_,nggak
[4] ayamkaepciw,nesafess_
[4] dorawattda,nesafess_
[3] bawa,makanan
[3] vjhykrj,nesafess_
[3] nesafess_,coba
[3] ayam,bakar
[2] abdiburhan20,nesafess_
[2] nesafess_,gajelas

Top Word Pairs in Tweet in G9:
[6] akuelfahroni,nesafess_
[5] percaya,buktiin
[5] uang,150
[5] ujnren,nesafess_
[5] buktiin,klo
[5] klo,bohong
[5] kerja,disitu
[5] nesafess_,kerja
[5] hehe,pokoknya
[5] jgn,percaya

Top Word Pairs in Tweet in G10:
[6] unlockurgirl,nesafess_
[4] nraaull,nesafess_
[4] addictedjie,nesafess_
[4] wira,wiri
[3] onion_pearl,nesafess_
[3] tes,tep
[3] ig,nya
[3] nesafess_,haechanajaa
[3] hyunaara_,nesafess_
[3] pra,td

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